The outcome of the 2011 Durban summit on climate change seems to have been little more than an agreement to keep talking: “to launch a process to develop a protocol.”1 Even that was a surprise to some! But the chances of limiting global warming over the next century to an increased 2 degrees Celsius are […]
Author Archives: David Christian
David Christian is a professor of history at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He has written on the social and material history of the nineteenth-century Russian peasantry, in particular, on aspects of diet and the role of alcohol. He has also written a textbook history of modern Russia and a synoptic history of Inner Eurasia (Russia, Central Asia, and Mongolia). In 1989 he began teaching courses on Big History, surveying the past on the largest possible scales, including those of biology and astronomy, and, in 2004, he published the first text on Big History.