As a consequence of our growing numbers and needs, any meaningful chance of sustainable human presence on this planet now depends upon geopolitical stability. The factors that determine geopolitical stability have changed over time and continue to do so. In the 19th century, stable control of territory and the populations within were the principal determinants […]
Author Archives: Robert Sandford
Bob is the EPCOR Chair for Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health. In this capacity Bob was the co-author with Corinne Schuster-Wallace of the UN Water in the World We Want report on post-2015 global sustainable development goals relating to water. Bob is also senior advisor on water issues for the Interaction Council, a global public policy forum composed of more than thirty former Heads of State and Government including Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, US President Bill Clinton, and the former Prime Minister of Norway, Gro Brundtland.