Humans are a miraculous example of evolutionary success. Our ability to engage in rational thought, to form cooperative groups, to share information through complex symbols, to make and use sophisticated tools: all of these things have enabled us to spread and flourish. However, at the dawn of the 21st century the features and manifestations of […]
Author Archives: Rumi Shammin
Md Rumi Shammin is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Oberlin College with academic training in civil and environmental engineering, natural resources policy and management, and environmental science. He has published on topics related to economic input-output life cycle analysis of energy and carbon emissions in the US, Genuine Progress Indicator, and economic valuation of environmental amenities. He also leads an international research on the economics and equity of climate change mitigation in least developed countries with fieldwork in Bangladesh; and is currently engaged in projects involving ecosystem service valuation, urban agriculture, environment and behavior, and urban sustainability indicators