Proudly hailing Obama as “the most food-centric chief executive since Thomas Jefferson,” takes the indulgence of niche interests on the web to an entirely epicurean level. The foodie blog combines irreverent observations of the First Family’s dining choices with insight and analysis into President Obama’s plans for food prices, agriculture, and farm policy. Started on election night 2008 by Eddie Gehman Kohan, a self-described “food policy wonk” from California, the blog covers food safety, locavore/slow food issues, the sustainability movement, agriculture policy, farmers’ and eaters’ rights, and the intersection of food and cultural issues. What really makes Obama foodorama fun to read, though, is the part-watchdog, part-paparazzi role that Kohan assigns himself on all matters related to the Obamas and food. He even dishes on the school lunch menus for Malia and Sasha’s private school and judged it a “21st century lunch program with a local/organic/sustainable ethic that promotes environmental stewardship.” From opinions on Obama’s pick for agriculture secretary and his policy towards ethanol subsidies to the White House chef, this site is a lighthearted way to stay up to date on the president’s plate and his politics.